Professor of Neurology , Univ. of Angers, FR (1976), Diploma of neurophysiology (Faculty of Sciences, Paris (1967); 1986 Head of Neurology Department at Foch Hospital (Paris-Suresnes) Work: 1987 Medico-legal Expert to the Court of Versailles; 1992 Expert to the World Health Organization; 2004 Consultant to the Neurorehab. Dept University Hospital Garches. 2006 Mediator (Catholic University, Paris). 2018-20: Training Coordination of National Mediators in public health institutions. 1989 Founder of the European Brain Injury Society; European Commission Research Contract: “ Traumatic Brain Injury Evaluation, Epidemiology and Service Delivery”; 1990 Founder of Association Arceau-Anjou (TBI re-entry facilities) and of France Traumatisme Crânien (French National Association on TBI). 1991Editorial Board of Clinical Rehabilitation, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Brain Injury, the neurolaw letter, Acta Neuropsychologica; 1996 Creating the U.E.R.O.S, 32 French Transitional Units for Evaluation, Retraining, and Social-Vocational re-entry for Persons with Acquired Brain Injury. 2005 Project leader Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (French Ministry of Health) ; 2011 Teacher and responsible for mediation in health (Catholic University, Paris); 

In view of Truelle`s curriculum vitae and specific scientifically accompanied area of ​​responsibility in the European Neurorehabilitation it could only be a question of time when we would meet to critically discuss about neurorehabilitation “today”.So, In 1995 – in the year our EMN was founded as an European alternative to German DGNKN – we met for the first time at the symposium “on advances in the neuropsychological rehabilitation of TBI patients”, organized by the relevant working group of the DGNKN, by invitation of its chairman P. Frommelt* at Clinic Bavaria, Schaufling, DE.(* Frommelt P.,Grötzbach H,eds Neurorehabilitation, Blackwell 1999). Prof.Truelle was presenting his EBIS-TBI outcome evaluation sheet, Prof. Donald G. Stein, USA, referred on brain injury theories of recovery and beneficial effect of Progestron, while I discussed my central wake-up and recovery effects of certain neuropharmaceutics in early neurosurgical rehabilitation. Against this background, I took the unique opportunity to invite Prof. Truelle as a speaker to our 1st EMN Congress in Salzburg,1996. It was the beginning of a success story in science and neurorehabilitation for the benefit of TBI patients and their reintegration into family, work, and society worldwide: e.g. The QOLIBRI Assessment tool (1999- 2000), his presidency at the 5th EMN in Paris,(2 Foto Versaille im Schlosspark, Verailles QOLIBRI) when, in conjunction, he was President of the Paris International Congress “Traumatic Brain Injury”, with International Brain Injury Associatio, European Brain Injury Society (EBIS), French Society of Rehabilitation, and France Traumatisme Crânien; 2002 Chairman of the QOLIBRI Task Force on TBI quality of life – Lit: Truelle, JL, Koskinen, S, Hawzhome al: 2010 Quality of life after TBI; the clinical use of the QOLIBRI, a novel disease-specific instrument. Brain Injury 24:1272-91; Truelle J. L., von Wild K.R.H.:2017 Advancement of the QOLIBRI use and applications. Neuropsychiatry 07, 03 – DOI10.4172/ Neuropsychiatry.1000203- 2003. 2008 and 2009 Jean- Luc Truelle joined me in our WFNR- WFNS Far-East teaching flying faculty, respectively in the QOLIBRI Harmonization courses – together with Prof. Nicole von Steinbüchel and Prof. Volker Hömberg. He was Vice-President of EMN, EBIS and France Traumatisme Crânien; 2011Teacher and responsible for mediation in health (Catholic University, Paris); 2014-16 Founder of university degrees on TBI and on mediation in La Réunion Island; 2018-20: Training Coordination of National Mediators in public health institutions. For all these challenges he finds strength, perseverance, and new ideas in his leisure hobbies: running (13 marathons)and skiing, literature, and opera. – No wonder that after 25 years of individually and jointly achieved progress and experienced joys, our very special Franco-German friendship – including our families – is so valuable to me.

Prof. Jean Luc Truelle and his wife  Prof. Michèle Montreux, 5th EMN  Fontainebleau 2000 

Prof. Jean Luc Truelle and Prof. Klaus von Wild 5th EMN Schloss Fontainebleau 2000

WFNR Flying Facukty 2, Hotel Arya Duta , Karavaci, IND, Ekka Wahjoepramona 24.10.2008

Sept. 2000 Prof. Anne Lise Christensen and late Yehuda Ben-Yishay, Neuropsychologist and Professor of Rehab.Med.,New York, US, with his wife Myma, Jean-Luc’s guests of honour, experience and enjoy their first the Red Deer rut on our special pre- carriage tour in the forest of Fontainebleau.

Prof. of Neurology, chair TBI Task Force on TBI outcome, 5th EMN Fontainebleau 2000

1939: Wilhelm Kempff (*25.11.1895 in Jüterbog; †23.05.1991 in Positano, Italien)

ist ein berühmter deutscher Pianist, Organist und Komponist des 20.Jahrhunderts. – Prof. Wilhelm Kempff war mein Patenonkel. Meine Mutter hatte ihn lange vor dem Krieg in Potsdam, im Hause ihrer Schwester Ilse kennengelernt. Ein...

1939: Hilde Schoembs, Dr. med. (*29.01.1899 – †12.08.1984, Offenbach/ Main),

Kinderärztin, ab 1932 als hochgeschätzte Hausärztin in eigener Praxis tätig (in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft meiner mit ihr eng befreundeten, medizinisch interessierten Mutter. So wurde Frau Dr. Schoembs meine Patentante – und Vorbild ärztlicher Zuwendung und...

1954: Kurt Thomas – Wikipedia (*25.05.1904 – †31.03.1973)–

Kurt Thomas war ein deutscher Komponist, Musikpädagoge und Chorleiter . 1954 hatte er mich, den Mittelstufenschüler, als Tenor in seinen 1945 gegründeten Chor, die inzwischen berühmten Kantorei der Dreikönigskirche in Frankfurt aufgenommen. Hier sang bereits meine...

Albert Klein, ( *1914 – †1976 in Offenbach ).

Nach Jahren als umschwärmter Deutschlehrer der Höheren Töchterschule, jetzt Albert- Schweitzer Schule für Mädchen, ab dem 01.10.1955 Studienrat mit den Fächern Deutsch, Englisch und Geschichte, an der Rodolf Koch Schule, Gymnasium für Jungen, Offenbach a.M. Er war ein...

1964: Hugo Ruf, Prof.*05.02.1911 – †23.03.2002)

Prof. Ruf war Neurologe, Psychiater, Neurochirurg und von 1963 bis 1980 Ordinarius für Neurochirurgie und Direktor der neurochirurgischen

1966: Giuliano Dolce- (*29.05.1928 – †21.02.2017),

Professor für Neurologie 1966 – 1975 OA an der Neurochirurgischen Universitätsklinik Frankfurt am Main. Ein profunder Kliniker, Lehrer in der

1971: Madjid Samii (*19. Juni 1937, Teheran)

Prof. für Neurochir. INI Hannover. Hier mit Prof. T. Kanno WFNS Weltkongr. Melbourne 11. 2001. Mein Lehrer in Mikrochirurgie und mehr. 1971 als junger Professor in Mainz, hatte er mit seinem 1.Mikrochirurgie Kurs für Ordinarien in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für...

1972 Franz Gerstenbrand (*06.09.1924-†30.06.2017)

Prof. emer. für Neurologie, Dr. med. Dr.h.c.mult. Mein Lehrer für AS : 1975 Prof and Primarius II. Department Neurology City Hospital Wien  – Rosenhügel; 1976 – 1994 Prof. for Neurology and Director Med. University...

1973 Anna-Margarete Ritz(*26. Juni 1935) ,

Dr. med. Ärztin für Neuropädiatrie, vormalige Ltd. Ärztin , Neurologisches Rehabilitationszentrum für Kinder und Jugendliche FRIEDEHORST Bremen-Lesum, jetzt wohnhaft in Berlin.D. Der Bundespräsident verlieh Frau Dr. Ritz am 18. 10, 2002 das Bundesverdienstkreuz am...

1975 Sir Graham M. Teasdale (*23.09.1940 Spennymoor County Durham), re. at WFNS Melbourne 11.2001

Newcastle, UK FRCP FRCS Prof. emer. of Neurosurgery. Honorary Professor in Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Institute of Health and Wellbeing at the University of Glasgow Medical School. Sir Graham Teasdale is an EMN Honorary Member and 7th EMN D. Miller Memorial...

1978 : Pierre Rabischong (*1932 in Nancy, FR )anatom, Inst. Univ. Montpellier 1997 (SUAW Projekt) .

Neuro-Anatom und Wissenschaftler (u.a. SUAW Projekt). Jetzt Prof. em. mit den Spezialgebieten funktionelle Anatomie, Rehabilitation, Neuroprothetik der Uni. Montpellier FR. Ich hatte ihn als einen der Vortragenden auf Samiis Schädel-Basis- Kursen – und Freund – in...

1979: William Bryan Jennett CBE (*01.03.1926 – †26.01.2008) with Reinhold Frowein (*5.10.1923-† 01.01.2021)

, EMN Hon. Memb. 2nd EMN Münster 1997  was Professor of at Glasgow University (1968 – 1991), Dean of medicine in Glasgow (1981 to 1986); first full-time chair of neurosurgery in Scotland.

1982 Sayed El Gindi (*1931 in Zefta – †18.03. 2013 in Cairo)

Prof.emer. of neurosurgery(right, photo by KvW 2000) ; Creator and Head of Neurosurgery Maadi Military Hospital, Cairo. He was an early friend of M. Samii since the seventies. We met first at Samiis intern. Congress in Hanover 1982, when El Gindi became interested in...

1984: Federico Hernandés-Meyer, ( * 19.03.1938, Granada) Mag. Pharm. 4th EMN , Teneriffa 1999

Trotz seiner beiderseitigen Gehbehinderung nach überstandener Polio Infektion in Granada als Kind, war er ein außerordentlich innovativer, ja visionärer, sprachbegabter, stets loyaler Mitarbeiter der Geschäftsführung von E. Merck, Darmstadt Wikipedia. Er war zuständig...

1987: Klaus Bußmann ( *08.07.1941 – †27.04.2019)

war Prof. der Kunstgeschichte und Direktor des Westf. Landesmuseums für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte in Münster. Er hatte uns bei unserem Neustart(1982) in dem westfälischen Münster Kunst und Künstler in seinem Museum näher gebracht. Ein Geschenk für meine Frau und...

1988: Volker Hömberg (* 25.07.1954 in Wevelinghoven, DE)

Prof. Dr. h.c, ist ein deutscher Neurologe. Habilitiert als Oberarzt von Hans- Joachim Freund an der Neurologischen Klinik der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Düsseldorf(ömberg). 1987 als Medizinischer Direktor...

1990: Anne-Lise Christensen (*16.07.1927 – †11.02.2018)

Prof. of Neuropsy. Reh., Univ. of Copenhagen with Late Prof. A. Konovalov, Moscow. Meister-Schülerin des Russischen  Neuropsychologen Alexander Romanowitsch Lurija – Wikipedia  (1902-1972) . Ihr Konzept der  Holistischer  Rehabilitation von SHT Patienten, vorgestellt...

1995 Jerzy Wroñski (*09.06.1929 –†16.06.2011),

MD, PhD, Prof. emer. of Neurosurgery and Medicine (1997) – former founding director and head of neurosurgery at the Faculty of Wroclaw Medical University 1968, 1983 Director of the 52-bed Clinic of Neurosurgery with ICU and neurosurgical neuro-radiological laboratory...

1996: Giorgio Brunelli (*21.10.1925 – †29.09.2018)

aus Cellatica –Brescia, IT, war ein weltbekannter Professor of Orthopaedics and Specialist for plastic- reconstructive & hand surgery, Former director of special school for Orthopaedics & Hand Surgery Univ. Brescia; one of few European founders of...

1997: Dr. Lucia Willadino Braga (*28.05.1958 Porto Alegre) PhD. Dr.h.c. Université de Reims, Professor for neuroscience and neuropsychology, researcher. President of the SARAH Network of Rehabilitation Hospitals, member of the SARAH Board of Governors and founder of its...

1997: Alexander A. Potapow (*05.07.1948 Usbekistan – †15.05.2021 Moscow)

, MDS, PhD, Prof. of neurosurgery, Director of N.N.Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery, Moscow, Russia (2015- ongoing); laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in Science and Technology for 2009, academician, Russian Academy of...

1999 Yoichi Katayama, Tokio M.D. ,Ph.D.(right),

Rector emer. former Dean Nihon Univ. School of Med., Tokyo JP, Founding President ISRN and  Prof. Jin Woo Chang, M.D., Ph.D.,Korea. Prof. Katayama, colleague and friend of Prof. T. Kanno, and I met first under the umbrella of WFNS World Interims Congress in Lahore,...

1999: Tetsuo Kanno (*22.10.1948-†06.08.2021),Mie Pref.

1979, Prof. and Chairman, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Fujita Health Univ. later President FHU, now retired; Founding members of ACNS, former WFNS Vice President, 1994 Chief Editor of J. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery. 1997 Founder of Asian Congress of Neurolog. Surgery....

2000 Alexander Konovalov, (*12.12.1933)Moscow City,

MDS Prof. PhD. Prof. and Dr. hon. Causa mult.. Director of N.N.Burdenko National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery, Moscow, Russia (1975–2014). Member of Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR since 1982. Honorary Member of EMN 2000. Director National Medical...

2001: Ryō Noda (* 1948 in Amagasaki, Pref. Hyōgo JP)

Prof. MD. Osaka University of Arts, ist ein bekannter Saxofonist, Komponist, der auch in der westlichen Welt Bedeutung hat. Er gilt als der Erfinder der „Musicokinetic Therapy“, Bewegungstherapie in Verbindung mitMusik für (post- ) komatöser Patienten. Wir trafen uns...

2003: Jōji Yuasa ( 湯浅 譲,*12.08.1929 Kōriyama)

, japanischer Komponist. Durch seine Begegnung mit dem Komponisten Tōru Takemitsu und dem Musikwissenschaftler Kuniharu Akiyama hatte er sich bereits 1952, anstelle in Tokyo Medizin zu studieren, dem Jikken-kobo, einer musikalischen Experimentalwerkstatt,...

2003: Nicole von Steinbüchel-Rheinwall(*14.09.1955),Prof. Dr. mit J.-L. Truelle, EFNS Congr. Paris 2004

Prof. Dr. Direktorin Abteilung für Medizinische Psychologie, Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin, Georg August Universität Göttingen  DE  2001- 2004 apl.Prof., Abteilungsleiter  der Abteilung für  Gerontopsychologie,  Univ.  Genf, CH. Prof von Steinbüchel, ist, seit...

2006: Dafin.F Muresanu (*14.03.1962), left

is Professor of Neurology, Senior Neurologist, Chairman of the Neurosciences Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca. Co-Chair EAN Scientific Panel Neurorehab., President of the Romanian Society of Neurology,...

2008: Stavros J Baloyannis, Md, Phd,Thessaloniki

( ) is an exceptional Professor of Neurology and Neuropathology, Head of the 1st Department of Neurology, Aristotelian University, Thessaloniki, GR. Director of Research Institute for Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementias....

2012: Geoffrey (Geoff) Raisman (*28.06.1939 –†27.01.2017)

Geoffrey Raisman - - Geoffrey’s grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Lithuania.He describes his family’s story in his book, The Undark Sky.Raisman was not religious. British neuroscientist , 1989 Professor in Anatomy...