Assessment and definition of the Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome (UWS)
European Task Force on Disorders of Consciousness, Rome.
Clinical neuro-musicology
music & mind; music & dance for social competence.
2008 – ongoing
Regional controlled study on epidemiology and quality of TBI management
supported by ZNS
Hanelore Kohl Stiftung, Bonn
Regeneration of denervated skeletal muscles
Brunelli’s CNS-PNS Paradigm targeted to restoration of voluntary muscle activity in post SCI paraplegia.
1999- 2020
Assessment of Health related quality of Life
later The QOLIBRI assessment tool in TBI
1999 – ongoing
QOLIBRI Assessment of quality of Life after TBI (national- international)
transdisciplinary board, workshops, Int. congresses, and publications
1999- 2020
EFNS task force Guideline on treatment of TBI
Chair Neurotrauma Committee, Chair AS/ VSGuidelines, Co-Cair MBT
ASPEN- US Guidelines Apallic Syndrome
Seville, London, Copenhagen, Rome , Graz by George Zintay, US
Restoration of voluntary locomotion in posttraumatic paraplegics;
SUAW –EU Project
Clin. guidelines for trans-discipl. TBI Care
1990 – 2013
Present status in intensive care treatment
mental effects of central acting drugs
1987 – ongoing
Early functional neurosurgical neurorehabilitation (ENNR)
rehab-ward (MAGS)
Minimal invasive restorative trans-disciplinary skull base and spinal surgery
Prof. Samii, Nordstadt Hosp. Hanover
Clemenshospital Münster, UKM
Intern. operating courses
1982 – 2002
Multidisciplinary neurotraumatology
pharmacological brain-stimmulation by centralacting-drugs
1977 – 2020
Multimodal monitoring in neurosurg. ICU, early rehab in ICU
ICU treatment, including children Multimodal neuro- monitoring
1976 – ongoing
Transdisciplinary diagnostics and tretment modalities
radiological, ophthalmological, endorinological followup; tumor ID card
Clinical Guidelines pituitary tumours
diagnostic, therapy, follow-up